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GATHERERSは、私のルーツ(・・・と勝手に思っている)であるモンゴロイドや縄文人の生活様式「狩猟採集」の英語読み "hunter-gatherer" の「採集」部分gathererを取って「採集民(GATHERERS)」と名付けました。


このサイトは私が採集してきた洋服やグッズが掲載されています。あくまで私のフィルターですが、新旧問わずで、STAY GOLD(ステイゴールド)なアイテムたちです。

また、サイトのレイアウトは私が生まれた頃にアメリカで刊行されていた "Whole Earth Catalog" へのオマージュです。その表紙が太陽になっているのは、縄文人(日本人)のサイトだから「日の丸」です。



So, here's the deal: "GATHERERS" is the cool name I came up with for the "hunter-gatherer" part of that whole lifestyle thing. It's the English version of how the Mongoloid and Jomon people used to roll, you know, my roots (or at least that's what I like to believe).

Just to set the record straight, I'm not really into hunting. I'm more of a collector, you know?

Check out this site I put together—it's packed with all the clothes and stuff I've managed to collect over time. The items you'll find here are all about staying gold, whether they're vintage treasures or brand new goodies. Oh, and guess what? I personally filtered them all for you!

Now, here's the lowdown on the site's layout: it's my way of paying tribute to the good old "Whole Earth Catalog." Man, that thing was all the rage back when I first entered the world. The collecting rules I follow here? Well, they're totally inspired by that catalog's philosophy. And hey, about the cover, I went with the sun instead of the earth 'cause this site is all about Jomon vibes (you know, Japanese stuff), and the sun happens to be smack in the middle of Japan's flag.

Consider this a quick intro to the site, my friend.

If you spot that stay gold item you've been searching for right here, we'd be stoked to be the link between you and it. Take it easy and have an awesome day!
